Saturday, August 21, 2010

Stay Positive.

Last night I spent some much needed time with the man upstairs. I prayed and meditated on some thoughts, and situations going on in my life currently. After all that time, one universal thought came to mind: Stay Positive.

I tend to be a pretty pessimistic person. But God helped me realize that I need to be more of an optimist. To stay positive, even in negative situations.

I have a craving for new friendships, and for those friendships to be of positive content. I've decided that since I only have one year left before lots of changes come my way, it needs to be a year full of positivity.

Being negative in a negative situation doesn't make the situation any better. But overcoming that negativity with positivity will help things tremendously. Life is a blessing, and contaminating it with negativity is taking advantage of the most valuable gift that we will ever recieve.

I am a firm believer that every positive person and thought can overcome any negative people and thoughts in life. Positivity out rules negativity.

Stay Positive.

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