Tuesday, October 19, 2010

After about 2 months, my laptop has decided to work. I read online how to reboot it and that it should fix the problem I was having and it never worked for me until tonight.

I am super stressed about everything. Between working 20 to 30 hours weekly, going to school, having 2 AP classes, being Editor in Chief of my school newspaper, and Vice President of National Art Honors Society, alongside applying to colleges, and trying to work on a portfolio, the stress level is currently reaching its maximum occupancy.

Family is pretty stressful too. My grandpa who was really sick for about 2 years, died 2 weeks ago and although all the emotions have dwindled down and my parents are back at work, there's still a lot to be done. Between his money, whether or not to spread his ashes, or have a military funeral, and a million other things. It just adds to the stress.

I have to say I am the most busy I have ever been in my life. Don't get my wrong, I like it. Despite being so stressed, I enjoy constantly having something to do.

Although I am so busy, I really do feel disconnected from all my friends and family. And most importantly, God. I haven't been to church in a while and there's no way I'm going to be able to do GCN this year with school and work.

It bums me out because this is my last year of adolescence, and I should be enjoying my family and friends because once college starts, it will never be the same. However, I'm just too bust for any extravagant social life.

